About Lead The Way Dog Training

Whether it's jumping up, pulling on the lead, biting, mouthing, nipping, toilet training, attentiveness (dogs that won't listen), recall (dogs that won't come back when called), destructive behaviour, chasing cats, squirrels etc, over exuberance, barking, crying, yelping, howling, separation anxiety, digging, escaping, chewing, puppy management, diet, food and nutrition, hyperactivity, obsessions or general disobedience ~ do not despair - we can help!
Our kind, natural training methods have helped a huge range of people solve all types of canine problems. By teaching you how to 'act' and 'think' dog, we aim promote a clear understanding of your dog's needs and enable you to communicate effectively with your pet, to regain control and to strengthen the bond between you and your dog.
It will surprise many people to learn that you CAN teach old dogs new tricks. Dogs love nothing more than to please their owners, they just need to be given the right guidance in a way that is easy for them to understand. Our approach recognises that "Happy Stress Free Dogs = Happy Stress Free Owners"
We look forward to meeting you and showing you how you can begin to enjoy your dog again.
NEW - Cynophobia Classes For Children
Cynophobia is a morbid fear of dogs, this can not only affect the child, but the whole family’s daily lives. These children are afraid to step outside of the house, may never go on holiday and often put themselves in danger trying to avoid a dog.
Our children’s classes are completely free, the dogs we use are highly trained and assessed as Cynophobia Assistance dogs. The class takes place in Kingswood, Kent on a Monday evening. Please contact Janet on 01622 842209, or 07810828804, or email janet@goodog.co.uk for information or an informal chat.
Kent Cynophobia Assistance Group.